Monday, March 5, 2012

New Ward Boundaries

Old Boundaries in Red, New Boundaries in Black
To zoom in, right click and save the picture to your computer as a JPG file. Then you can use an image viewer to zoom in. Thanks to Brother Murphy for the maps.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ward Boundary Changes

On February 26th, 2012, the Stake Presidency made the announcement that the ward boundaries would change. The speculation soon began. The changes would be announced one week later on March 4th. Many members were concerned, others were excited for the new opportunities. All knew that many things would change.

The changes were made and then sustained. Magna, PG 4th and PG 2nd also sustained new bishoprics. West Mountain and PG 1st sustained new bishopric counselors. The Stake Presidency spoke of the processes involved and testified of the changes being the will of the Lord.

The Presidency also exhorted everyone to embrace the changes. Members were urged to serve in their new wards as they had in their previous wards. It was a very spiritual meeting and all were able to feel of the Spirit. We will post maps ASAP.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Welcome to the Stake History Blog

This will be a place for Ward historians to post newsand events for the Stake History